Academic Staff
Founded in 2004, Dardania College is one of the most respected higher education institution in the country. Our mission is to provide a learning experience that enhances career development, life values, and ensures personal growth
Rector word
Prof. Dr. Gjyldane Mulla
Welcome to Dardania College! Our higher education institution is accredited and has achieved a reputation for excellence in teaching, research, and transcending academic disciplines, combining special knowledge with universal values. We develop study programmes not only to ensure lifelong success for students, but to prepare them to be smart and capable of making a difference in our community and beyond. I am proud to invite you to further explore our College and learn about our ambitions for a brighter future. In the meantime, I hope you will enjoy your time on our website.

Our Academic Staff
Prof. Dr. Haki Demolli has completed all three levels of studies in the field of Law. He completed his doctoral studies in the period 1996-2001 with the topic “Terrorizmi dhe Luftimi i Tij”. He has been a professor since 1978. He lectures courses as follows: Legal and Political Thought, Interpretation of Law, Criminology, Criminalistics, Forensic Tactics, Advanced Penology, and Forensic Methodology.
Haki Demolli
Prof. Dr.
List of academic staff – Regular working relationship
Afrim | Jusufi |
Anita | Gashi |
Bajram | Ibraj |
Deme | Hoti |
Egzon | Gashi |
Elza | Gashi |
Ferit | Hysa |
Ferit | Hysa |
Gjyldane | Mulla |
Halim | Gjergjizi |
Shykrane | Gërmizaj |
Mentor | Agani |
Njomza | Mehani |
Selema | Allamani |
List of academic staff – Partial relationship
Bajram | Gecaj |
Enver | Hasani |
Florentina | Dushi Shehu |
List of collaborators over the years
Prof.Dr. Esat Stavileci
Prof.Dr. Izet Zeqiri
Prof.Dr. Moshe Llansman
Prof.Dr. Haki Demolli
Prof.Dr. Avdullah Hoti
Prof.Dr. Islam Krasniqi
Prof.Dr. Neki Juniku
Prof.Dr. Mimoza Shahini
Prof.Dr. Hamdi Daci
Prof.Dr. Rrustem Asllanaj
Prof.Dr. Gazmend Luboteni
Dr. Muazam Halili
Prof.Dr. Jashar Kabashi
Prof.Dr. Berim Ramosaj
Prof.Dr. Ajet Ahmeti
Dr. Lokman Mirtezani
Prof. Dr. Nagip Skenderi
Ass.Msc. Valentina Sopaj
Ass.Msc. Fatlum Mjeku
Dr. Arta Grubi-Koka
Ass. Msc. Visar Pacolli Rrezak Jakupi