Office for Career Orientation

Within Dardania College, the Office for Career Orientation functions as an important sector of the student service center. The staff of the office bring dedication and expertise to help students achieve success in developing their career.


The mission of the Career Guidance Office is to assist Dardania College students in identifying, planning, and pursuing their ideal professional career both during their studies and after graduation. The career office empowers individuals to make professional decisions, promotes career training among students, and assists recent graduates in advancing their professions.


  • Information, orientation, counseling of current and graduated students about career development and planning;
  • Development of students’ skills, abilities, values and potentials for the needs of the labor market;
  • Continuous monitoring of students during practical, voluntary and tutorial work;
  • Establishing connections with stakeholders for students employment and internships;
  • Preparing students for employment and lifelong education;
  • Development of exploratory skills in current and graduate students;
  • Organization of workshops, seminars, webinars, round tables, conferences, in order for the students to master the skills that are necessary for the organization and planning of the professional career;
  • Development of innovative strategies for students’ career development;
  • Developing students’ ability to search for relevant resources about career exploration and labor market research opportunities;
  • Providing digitized services about career development;
  •  Cooperation with the academic units of Dardania College, for providing career development opportunities for students;
  • Cooperation with external actors for the development of students’ skills, abilities and potentials in certain professional fields;
  • Organization of career-related events and activities.


One of the priorities of Dardania College is the financial support of students since the establishment of the institution, through the Work & Studies program. The purpose of this program is to enable students to work part-time in some of the College’s services, such as: library, IT, audio sound system, technical maintenance, maintenance of the College’s website and LAN, office registration, copy center, administrative assistance. Within the Career Guidance Office, also operates the ALUMNI program, which follows and helps students who graduate from Dardania College until they are hired and entry-level employment.


The Dardania College career office staff provides services and resources for recent graduates and current students preparing for professional careers. Officials from the career guidance office provide students with both individual and group counseling on job-related themes like:


The Career Guidance Office offers numerous opportunities for the development of students’ skills, abilities, potential, by organizing workshops, seminars, webinars, round tables, conferences, conversations, in order for students to better understand the labor market and possess the skills that are necessary for the organization and planning their professional career.



Dardania College offers many opportunities for students who wish to be part of the team during the organization of professional activities through the career guidance office. Simultaneously, it offers opportunities for current students to collaborate more effectively as members of teamwork, independently and accept individual responsibility for projects or tasks as tutors. Cooperation and exchange of experiences plays an important role during the career decision-making process.



The Career Guidance Office keeps in constant contact with the graduated students, in order to provide information about employment, the participation of the graduated students in the events, workshops, and seminars organized by the Dardania College.


Officials of the career guidance office help students in exploring practical work and employment, providing them with relevant information through various channels such as: organized workshops, seminars, announcement of job vacancies, offering individual and group advice, in order to develop professional skills and abilities. The participation of students in such activities expands their knowledge about the professions they wish to master in the future and helps to establish the connection between the acquired experiences and the future career.


Meeting current students and graduates.

The career guidance office offers collaboration opportunities for current and graduate students, through various organizations such as: round tables, webinars, and success stories. Graduate students share with the current students their achievements, challenges, opportunities, benefits related to their professions. Cooperation and exchange of experiences plays an important role during the career decision-making process.


The career guidance office helps students to connect with a wide variety of employers. 

Employers help and offer numerous opportunities for the development of students’ professional skills. Employers also provide students with the chance to expand their practical job experience at relevant institutions, where they will have the chance to advance their professional abilities under the guidance of qualified individuals.

Nora Korapi



Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?