Mission, Vision & Objectives
Dardania college prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive and creative environment through unique study programmes.
The mission of Dardania College is to offer quality education in academic and professional development, practical training, and research in humanities, applied sciences, and arts that reflect the labor market needs. In close cooperation with the academic community of the College and its alumni, including the stakeholders, through teaching, field work, and research, Dardania College aims to develop and increase the potentials of the cadres, capable of contributing to sustainable and creative development in the service of the community. The ultimate aim is to prepare competent professionals and academics who will be able to overcome the challenges and contribute to the further economic, political, social, and cultural development of Kosovo and beyond, in accordance with the Standards of the European Higher Education Area, the Bologna Declaration, Lisbon Recognition Convention, European Qualification Framework, and Kosovo Qualification Framework.
Our vision is to continue to maintain and further develop and strengthen our position and reputation as one of the respected higher education institutions for studies, internship, and research in humanities, applied sciences, and arts comparable with credible institutions of the European Higher Education Area.
In order to accomplish its Mission and Vision, Dardania College has set the following objectives:
- To develop Dardania College as an institution of higher education with a broad spectrum of study and research programs in accordance with the political, economic, social, and cultural context, and the needs of the Kosovar labor market;
- Promoting interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary study programs, enriching students’ knowledge and skill and competences, in accordance with the Kosovar Qualification Framework and the European Qualification Framework.
- To foster innovations in the programs, and in designing the curricula in accordance with contemporary philosophical conceptions, and methodologies to ensure the increase of quality through applying interactive learning, research, and the implementation of best practices;
- To provide study programs of high quality, promote quality teaching and enrich the basis for quality research of scientific and applied nature;
- To organize the system of teaching and learning, and evaluation, which will enable students to acquire knowledge and skills, and competences, in order to pursue life-long opportunities and successful career paths;
- To establish and develop collaboration with domestic and regional academic institutions for maximal benefits from exchange of experiences and provision of opportunities, in applying contemporary standards through integration in the European Higher Education Area (Bologna Declaration, and Lisbon Recognition Convention), and the European Research Area, in order to continuously reform and increase of the quality of learning;
- To engage in public activities as a generator of economic, technological, and social developments, in compliance with the strategic requirements of the Republic of Kosovo;
- To cultivate moral and ethical principles in order to exercise tolerance in the democratic multicultural society in accordance with Dardania College orientation of providing its contribution and service to the community.
- To provide education for a reasonable cohort of students based on the labor market needs and to develop scientific research in the field of social sciences (economic, juridical, political, philological), through cooperation of the academic staff, on the one hand, and business community, on the other.

Dardania College has identified the main values that will help us achieve our mission and thus all academic and administrative staff are committed to adopt these values:

Equality & Diversity
It pushes us to appreciate the contribution of each person given different perspectives. Regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity, and other differences, Dardania College is committed to respecting personal dignity and individual potential so as not to deny the rights of any student in a democratic world. Our commitment is oriented towards equal and fair treatment of all employees and students. We are therefore strongly committed to working to address and undo the effects of structural, institutional and systemic inequality and injustice.


This makes Dardania College special because we are constantly committed to advancing services to students for their genuine well-being. Student service is a fundamental principle of our institution, as is student service to use their skills to assist others in internships outside the college through various opportunities and volunteer work.

Integrity reflects the ability to achieve the best through our programs and activities. We attach importance to personal and institutional integrity by showing coherence between words and deeds. This integrity calls for all members of the Dardania College community to live in line with what the college claims as an institution of higher education.

Organizational culture within Dardania College contributes to the vision of being progressive in academia. Inspirational and responsible engagement with academic and administrative staff, students and the external environment promotes a positive impact towards success.

Laurent Krasniqi
BA Business Administration and Economics
“I’ve met some of my best friends through studying at Dardania College. It was a really great way to understand the community and integrate myself into it. ”