Quality Assurance Office

In light of the strategic orientation, Dardania College has formally adopted a quality assurance policy based on ongoing monitoring and quality management.

Quality assurance is based on the respective documents (Regulations and Manuals), which are in compliance with the Standards of the European Area of Higher Education and their current practices. The strategic orientation is based on the standards and guidelines for internal quality assurance which provide for “Quality assurance policies and procedures.” 

  • Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programs and titles: Dardania College as an Institution of Higher Education has formal mechanisms for approval, periodic review and monitoring of programs and titles it offers.
  • Student Assessment: Students are assessed on the basis of criteria, regulations and procedures which are applied continuously, and which are published.

Quality assurance of teaching staff:

Dardania College has provided mechanisms through which it has selected a qualified and competent teaching staff for teaching, research and practical work. Mechanisms are made available to reviewers and outsiders and compile reports for teachers.

Resources for student learning and support:
Dardania College has available sufficient and adequate resources to support student learning for each program offered.

Information systems:
Dardania College has provided mechanisms for collecting information and their analysis which serve for the effective management of study programs and other activities.

Public information:
Dardania College for the programs and titles it offers regularly updates them impartially, giving it a qualitative and quantitative character, which they make public.

Prof.Dr. Shykrane Germizaj

Head of Quality Assurance Office

Elza Gashi


Nora Korapi



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