International cooperation provides institutions with effective methods to study the new market and, accordingly, make modifications to the course curriculum of the study programs.
More comprehensive collaborations not only help the college to develop academically, but also create us opportunity for reaching connection with international academic staff and students.
Dardania College aims to establish partnerships with prominent academic and other international institutions, to expand the experience of students, academic staff, faculty growth, and the development of scientific research. Collaborations with various international institutions are essential for the success of our institution’s activities in global aspect.
Some of the scientific works published by our academic staff in credible journals and in the magazine of Dardania College
1. Sopjani, V., & Hamiti, V. (2022). Challenges in the translation of legal texts: the case in
Kosovo. Comparative Legilinguistics, 52, 351-380.
2. Mirtezani, L., & Halili, M. (2022). Historical Background, Reforms of the Public Administration, and the European Integration of Kosovo. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava: časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave, 22(2), 237-265.
3. Rezak Jakupi “Strategjia dhe perspektiva e R.M. për anëtarësim në BE”, Vizione – Shkup, ISSN: 1409-8962 – printed form ISSN 1857 – 9221- electronic form, 15/2010.
4. Taysum, A & Hysa, F. “Typology of Epistemologies For Democratising Policy Benefits For All Policy Stakeholders Mainstreamed By Doctoral Study” European Journal of Educational Research. Vol 12, Issue 2, 2023 (in process).
5. Muazam Halili “Vendet e Evropës lindore dhe juglindore në rrugëtimin drejt Unionit europian”, Vizione, Vol. 19, pp. 431-437, 2013.
6. Mehani, N. (2021). “Cultural diplomacy as a peacebuilding mechanism in the Western Balkan” (Doctoral dissertation, University of the West of Scotland).
7. Shykrane Gërmizaj (2022). “Mother Tongue in English Language Teaching” Revista Shkencore, Kolegji Dardania.
8. Demë Hoti (2022). “Zhvillimi profesional “tërësektorial” të kuadrove të arsimit profesional domosdoshmëri” Revista Shkencore, Kolegji Dardania,
9. Enver Hasani (2022). “Kosova në Diplomacinë Ndërkombëtare”, Revista Shkencore, Kolegji Dardania.
10. Haki Demolli (2022). “Luftimi i dukurisë së terrorizmit – Rasti i Kosovës”, Revista Shkencore, Kolegji Dardania.
Str. Ibrahim Lutfiu no.93,
10000, Prishtina,
More comprehensive collaborations not only help the college to develop academically, but also create us opportunity for reaching connection with international academic staff and students.
Dardania College aims to establish partnerships with prominent academic and other international institutions, to expand the experience of students, academic staff, faculty growth, and the development of scientific research. Collaborations with various international institutions are essential for the success of our institution’s activities in global aspect.

overall cooperation memorandums
of graduates had two or more internships as students

Laurent Krasniqi
BA Business Administration and Economics
“I’ve met some of my best friends through studying at Dardania College. It was a really great way to understand the community and integrate myself into it. ”