Dardania College has announced the call for scholarship applications in study programs at the Bachelor and Master level for the academic year 2021-22
Through this call, Dardania College has the pleasure to inform the interested candidates that the application process for scholarships is open! Dardania College will offer scholarships in the following programs accredited by the Kosovo Accreditation Agency: BA Applied Psychology and Management Studies, BA Social Care and Welfare, BA Political Science and Public Administration, and MA Public Administration. The scholarships offered cover from 20% to 100% of the study fees. Scholarships are offered to distinguished students, family members of our students who want to enroll in one of the study programs, students who enroll in groups, as well as to students who need financial support due to their economic and social status.
The right to apply for a scholarship at the bachelor level have all candidates, who have completed their upper secondary education and who have successfully completed the Matura Exam. Whereas, the right to apply for a scholarship at the master level have those interested candidates who have completed or are near completion of studies at the bachelor level; however any offer may be conditional on successful completion to the required standards.
The application is open from July 29, 2021 and the deadline for applications is August 23, 2021. All interested candidates can apply online (click here), or by visiting Dardania College in Prishtina to complete the form in hard copy.
Jeta studentore këtu është shumë mbresëlënëse dhe interesante. Kolegji Dardania ofron kaq shumë mundësi për studentët, përfshirë edhe studentët e vitit të parë. Kolegët, profesorët, dhe gjithçka tjetër është për tu admiruar. Jam shumë i lumtur që jam student i këtij kolegji!