Dardania College has successfully hosted the online conference entitled “National Ownership in Nation-Building: Timor-Leste case”

On 16.11.2020, Dardania College organized the online conference "National Ownership in Peace-Building: Timor-Leste case"

Distinguished guests of the conference were renowned officials from Japan, Timor-Leste and experts of diplomatic affairs from Kosovo:

– Mr. Agio Pereira (Former Minister of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Timor-Leste);
– Dr. Sukehiro Hasegawa (President of GPAJ, Former Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Timor-Leste);
– Mr. Ken Inoue, Vice President of Global Peacebuilding Association Japan;
– Dr. Enver Hasani, former President of the Constitutional Court in Kosovo, academic staff at Dardania College;
– Ph.D. cand. Bajram Gecaj, Chief of Cabinet and Senior Advisor of Minister of Internal Affairs Kosovo, academic staff at Dardania College;
– Ph.D. cand. Arbenita Sopaj, Teaching Assistant at Kobe University, Japan.

The opening of this conference was done by the moderator Ph.D. cand. Valentina Sopjani, lecturer at Dardania College. In addition to presentations and comments from the panelists, an open discussion with all participants and other guests took place at this conference.

Student life here is very engaging and interesting. Dardania College offers so many opportunities for students, including the first year ones. Students, the staff, and everything else is to be admired. I am so happy to be a student of this college!